libpynq (release 5EWC0-2023 version 0.2.6 of 2023-10-24 17:28)
No Matches
xiic_l.h File Reference
#include "xil_io.h"
#include "xil_types.h"
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#define XIIC_L_H   /* by using protection macros */
Register Map

Register offsets for the XIic device.

#define XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET   0x1C
#define XIIC_IISR_OFFSET   0x20
#define XIIC_IIER_OFFSET   0x28
#define XIIC_RESETR_OFFSET   0x40
#define XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET   0x100
#define XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET   0x104
#define XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET   0x108
#define XIIC_DRR_REG_OFFSET   0x10C
#define XIIC_ADR_REG_OFFSET   0x110
#define XIIC_TFO_REG_OFFSET   0x114
#define XIIC_RFO_REG_OFFSET   0x118
#define XIIC_TBA_REG_OFFSET   0x11C
#define XIIC_RFD_REG_OFFSET   0x120
#define XIIC_GPO_REG_OFFSET   0x124
Device Global Interrupt Enable Register masks (CR) mask(s)
#define XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK   0x80000000
IIC Device Interrupt Status/Enable (INTR) Register Masks

Interrupt Status Register (IISR)

This register holds the interrupt status flags for the Spi device.

Interrupt Enable Register (IIER)

This register is used to enable interrupt sources for the IIC device. Writing a '1' to a bit in this register enables the corresponding Interrupt. Writing a '0' to a bit in this register disables the corresponding Interrupt.

IISR/IIER registers have the same bit definitions and are only defined once.

#define XIIC_INTR_ARB_LOST_MASK   0x00000001
#define XIIC_INTR_TX_ERROR_MASK   0x00000002
#define XIIC_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000004
#define XIIC_INTR_RX_FULL_MASK   0x00000008
#define XIIC_INTR_BNB_MASK   0x00000010
#define XIIC_INTR_AAS_MASK   0x00000020
#define XIIC_INTR_NAAS_MASK   0x00000040
#define XIIC_INTR_TX_HALF_MASK   0x00000080
Reset Register mask
#define XIIC_RESET_MASK   0x0000000A
Control Register masks (CR) mask(s)
#define XIIC_CR_ENABLE_DEVICE_MASK   0x00000001
#define XIIC_CR_TX_FIFO_RESET_MASK   0x00000002
#define XIIC_CR_MSMS_MASK   0x00000004
#define XIIC_CR_DIR_IS_TX_MASK   0x00000008
#define XIIC_CR_NO_ACK_MASK   0x00000010
#define XIIC_CR_REPEATED_START_MASK   0x00000020
#define XIIC_CR_GENERAL_CALL_MASK   0x00000040
Status Register masks (SR) mask(s)
#define XIIC_SR_GEN_CALL_MASK    0x00000001
#define XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK    0x00000002
#define XIIC_SR_BUS_BUSY_MASK   0x00000004
#define XIIC_SR_MSTR_RDING_SLAVE_MASK    0x00000008
#define XIIC_SR_TX_FIFO_FULL_MASK   0x00000010
#define XIIC_SR_RX_FIFO_FULL_MASK   0x00000020
#define XIIC_SR_RX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000040
#define XIIC_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000080
Data Tx Register (DTR) mask(s)
#define XIIC_TX_DYN_START_MASK   0x00000100
#define XIIC_TX_DYN_STOP_MASK   0x00000200
#define IIC_TX_FIFO_DEPTH   16

Data Rx Register (DRR) mask(s)

#define IIC_RX_FIFO_DEPTH   16
#define XIIC_TX_ADDR_SENT   0x00
#define XIIC_MASTER_ROLE   1
#define XIIC_SLAVE_ROLE   0
#define XIIC_STOP    0x00
#define XIIC_REPEATED_START    0x01
#define XIic_In32   Xil_In32
#define XIic_Out32   Xil_Out32
#define XIic_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset)    XIic_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset))
#define XIic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, RegisterValue)    XIic_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue))
#define XIic_IntrGlobalDisable(BaseAddress)    XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET, 0)
#define XIic_IntrGlobalEnable(BaseAddress)    XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET, XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK)
#define XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(BaseAddress)    (XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET) == XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK)
#define XIic_WriteIisr(BaseAddress, Status)    XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IISR_OFFSET, (Status))
#define XIic_ReadIisr(BaseAddress)   XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IISR_OFFSET)
#define XIic_WriteIier(BaseAddress, Enable)    XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IIER_OFFSET, (Enable))
#define XIic_ReadIier(BaseAddress)   XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IIER_OFFSET)
#define XIic_ClearIisr(BaseAddress, InterruptMask)    XIic_WriteIisr((BaseAddress), XIic_ReadIisr(BaseAddress) & (InterruptMask))
#define XIic_Send7BitAddress(BaseAddress, SlaveAddress, Operation)
#define XIic_DynSend7BitAddress(BaseAddress, SlaveAddress, Operation)
#define XIic_DynSendStartStopAddress(BaseAddress, SlaveAddress, Operation)
#define XIic_DynSendStop(BaseAddress, ByteCount)
unsigned XIic_Recv (UINTPTR BaseAddress, u8 Address, u8 *BufferPtr, unsigned ByteCount, u8 Option)
unsigned XIic_Send (UINTPTR BaseAddress, u8 Address, u8 *BufferPtr, unsigned ByteCount, u8 Option)
unsigned XIic_DynRecv (UINTPTR BaseAddress, u8 Address, u8 *BufferPtr, u8 ByteCount)
unsigned XIic_DynSend (UINTPTR BaseAddress, u16 Address, u8 *BufferPtr, u8 ByteCount, u8 Option)
int XIic_DynInit (UINTPTR BaseAddress)
u32 XIic_CheckIsBusBusy (UINTPTR BaseAddress)
u32 XIic_WaitBusFree (UINTPTR BaseAddress)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IIC_RX_FIFO_DEPTH   16

Rx fifo capacity

Definition at line 191 of file xiic_l.h.


#define IIC_TX_FIFO_DEPTH   16

Tx fifo capacity

Definition at line 184 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_ADR_REG_OFFSET   0x110

Address Register

Definition at line 86 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_ClearIisr

#define XIic_ClearIisr (   BaseAddress,
)     XIic_WriteIisr((BaseAddress), XIic_ReadIisr(BaseAddress) & (InterruptMask))

This macro clears the specified interrupt in the Interrupt status register. It is non-destructive in that the register is read and only the interrupt specified is cleared. Clearing an interrupt acknowledges it.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
InterruptMaskis the bit mask of the interrupts to be cleared.
C-Style signature: void XIic_ClearIisr(u32 BaseAddress, u32 InterruptMask);

Definition at line 432 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_DIR_IS_TX_MASK   0x00000008

Dir of Tx. Txing=1

Definition at line 152 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_ENABLE_DEVICE_MASK   0x00000001

Device enable = 1

Definition at line 149 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_GENERAL_CALL_MASK   0x00000040

Gen Call enabled = 1

Definition at line 155 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_MSMS_MASK   0x00000004

Master starts Txing=1

Definition at line 151 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_NO_ACK_MASK   0x00000010

Tx Ack. NO ack = 1

Definition at line 153 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_REG_OFFSET   0x100

Control Register

Definition at line 82 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_REPEATED_START_MASK   0x00000020

Repeated start = 1

Definition at line 154 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_CR_TX_FIFO_RESET_MASK   0x00000002

Transmit FIFO reset=1

Definition at line 150 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET   0x1C

Global Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 78 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_DRR_REG_OFFSET   0x10C

Data Rx Register

Definition at line 85 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET   0x108

Data Tx Register

Definition at line 84 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_DynSend7BitAddress

#define XIic_DynSend7BitAddress (   BaseAddress,
{ \
u8 LocalAddr = (u8)(SlaveAddress << 1); \
LocalAddr = (LocalAddr & 0xFE) | (Operation); \
XIic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET, \
Definition xiic_l.h:84
Definition xiic_l.h:182

This macro sends the address for a 7 bit address during both read and write operations. It takes care of the details to format the address correctly. This macro is designed to be called internally to the drivers for Dynamic controller functionality.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC Device.
SlaveAddressis the address of the slave to send to.
C-Style signature: void XIic_DynSend7BitAddress(u32 BaseAddress, u8 SlaveAddress, u8 Operation);

Definition at line 479 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_DynSendStartStopAddress

#define XIic_DynSendStartStopAddress (   BaseAddress,
{ \
u8 LocalAddr = (u8)(SlaveAddress << 1); \
LocalAddr = (LocalAddr & 0xFE) | (Operation); \
XIic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET, \
Definition xiic_l.h:183

This macro sends the address, start and stop for a 7 bit address during both write operations. It takes care of the details to format the address correctly. This macro is designed to be called internally to the drivers.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC Device.
SlaveAddressis the address of the slave to send to.
Operationindicates XIIC_WRITE_OPERATION.
C-Style signature: void XIic_DynSendStartStopAddress(u32 BaseAddress, u8 SlaveAddress, u8 Operation);

Definition at line 506 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_DynSendStop

#define XIic_DynSendStop (   BaseAddress,
{ \
XIic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET, \

This macro sends a stop condition on IIC bus for Dynamic logic.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC Device.
ByteCountis the number of Rx bytes received before the master. doesn't respond with ACK.
C-Style signature: void XIic_DynSendStop(u32 BaseAddress, u32 ByteCount);

Definition at line 529 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK   0x80000000

Global Interrupt Enable Mask

Definition at line 98 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_GPO_REG_OFFSET   0x124

Output Register

Definition at line 91 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_IIER_OFFSET   0x28

Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 80 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_IISR_OFFSET   0x20

Interrupt Status Register

Definition at line 79 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_In32

#define XIic_In32   Xil_In32

Definition at line 225 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_AAS_MASK   0x00000020

1 = When addr as slave

Definition at line 121 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_ARB_LOST_MASK   0x00000001

1 = Arbitration lost

Definition at line 116 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_BNB_MASK   0x00000010

1 = Bus not busy

Definition at line 120 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_NAAS_MASK   0x00000040

1 = Not addr as slave

Definition at line 122 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_RX_FULL_MASK   0x00000008

1 = Rx FIFO/reg=OCY level

Definition at line 119 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_TX_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000004

1 = Tx FIFO/reg empty

Definition at line 118 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_TX_ERROR_MASK   0x00000002

1 = Tx error/msg complete

Definition at line 117 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_INTR_TX_HALF_MASK   0x00000080

1 = Tx FIFO half empty

Definition at line 123 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_IntrGlobalDisable

#define XIic_IntrGlobalDisable (   BaseAddress)     XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET, 0)

This macro disables all interrupts for the device by writing to the Global interrupt enable register.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
C-Style signature: void XIic_IntrGlobalDisable(u32 BaseAddress);

Definition at line 287 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_IntrGlobalEnable

#define XIic_IntrGlobalEnable (   BaseAddress)     XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET, XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK)

This macro writes to the global interrupt enable register to enable interrupts from the device. This function does not enable individual interrupts as the Interrupt Enable Register must be set appropriately.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
C-Style signature: void XIic_IntrGlobalEnable(u32 BaseAddress);

Definition at line 305 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled

#define XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled (   BaseAddress)     (XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_DGIER_OFFSET) == XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE_MASK)

This function determines if interrupts are enabled at the global level by reading the global interrupt register.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
  • TRUE if the global interrupt is enabled.
  • FALSE if global interrupt is disabled.
C-Style signature: int XIic_IsIntrGlobalEnabled(u32 BaseAddress);

Definition at line 324 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_L_H   /* by using protection macros */

This header file contains identifiers and driver functions (or macros) that can be used to access the device in normal and dynamic controller mode. High-level driver functions are defined in xiic.h.


Ver   Who  Date     Changes
----- ---- -------- -----------------------------------------------
1.00b jhl  05/07/02 First release
1.01c ecm  12/05/02 new rev
1.01d jhl  10/08/03 Added general purpose output feature
1.02a mta  03/09/06 Implemented Repeated Start in the Low Level Driver.
1.03a mta  04/04/06 Implemented Dynamic IIC core routines.
1.03a rpm  09/08/06 Added include of xstatus.h for completeness
1.13a wgr  03/22/07 Converted to new coding style.
1.16a ktn  07/18/09 Updated the notes in XIIC_RESET macro to clearly indicate
                    that only the Interrupt Registers are reset.
1.16a ktn  10/16/09 Updated the notes in the XIIC_RESET macro to mention
                    that the complete IIC core is Reset on giving a software
                    reset to the IIC core. Some previous versions of the
                    core only reset the Interrupt Logic/Registers, please
                    refer to the HW specification for further details.
2.00a sdm  10/22/09 Converted all register accesses to 32 bit access,
          the register offsets are defined to be on 32 bit boundary.
          Removed the macro XIIC_RESET, XIic_Reset API should be
          used in its place.
          Some of the macros have been renamed to be consistent -
          XIIC_GINTR_DISABLE is renamed as XIic_IntrGlobalDisable,
          XIIC_GINTR_ENABLE is renamed as XIic_IntrGlobalEnable,
          XIIC_IS_GINTR_ENABLED is renamed as
          XIIC_WRITE_IISR is renamed as XIic_WriteIisr,
          XIIC_READ_IISR is renamed as XIic_ReadIisr,
          XIIC_WRITE_IIER is renamed as XIic_WriteIier
          The _m prefix in the name of the macros has been removed -
          XIic_mClearIisr is now XIic_ClearIisr,
          XIic_mSend7BitAddress is now XIic_Send7BitAddress,
          XIic_mDynSend7BitAddress is now XIic_DynSend7BitAddress,
          XIic_mDynSendStartStopAddress is now
          XIic_mDynSendStop is now XIic_DynSendStop.
3.2   sk   11/10/15 Used UINTPTR instead of u32 for Baseaddress CR# 867425.
                    Changed the prototypes of XIic_Recv, XIic_Send,
                    XIic_DynRecv, XIic_DynSend and XIic_DynInit APIs.
3.3   als  06/27/16 Added Low-level XIic_CheckIsBusBusy API.
3.3   als  06/27/16 Added low-level XIic_WaitBusFree API.

Definition at line 61 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_MASTER_ROLE   1

The following constants are used with the transmit FIFO fill function to specify the role which the IIC device is acting as, a master or a slave. Master on the IIC bus

Definition at line 208 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_Out32

#define XIic_Out32   Xil_Out32

Definition at line 226 of file xiic_l.h.



The following constants are used to specify whether to do Read or a Write operation on IIC bus. Read operation on the IIC bus

Definition at line 201 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_ReadIier

#define XIic_ReadIier (   BaseAddress)    XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IIER_OFFSET)

This function gets the Interrupt Enable Register contents.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
The contents read from the Interrupt Enable Register. Bit positions of 1 indicate that the corresponding interrupt is enabled. Bit positions of 0 indicate that the corresponding interrupt is disabled.
C-Style signature: u32 XIic_ReadIier(u32 BaseAddress)

Definition at line 414 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_ReadIisr

#define XIic_ReadIisr (   BaseAddress)    XIic_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IISR_OFFSET)

This function gets the contents of the Interrupt Status Register. This register indicates the status of interrupt sources for the device. The status is independent of whether interrupts are enabled such that the status register may also be polled when interrupts are not enabled.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
The value read from the Interrupt Status Register.
C-Style signature: u32 XIic_ReadIisr(u32 BaseAddress);

Definition at line 371 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_ReadReg

#define XIic_ReadReg (   BaseAddress,
)     XIic_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset))

Read from the specified IIC device register.

BaseAddressis the base address of the device.
RegOffsetis the offset from the 1st register of the device to select the specific register.
The value read from the register.
C-Style signature: u32 XIic_ReadReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset);
This macro does not do any checking to ensure that the
register exists if the register may be excluded due to parameterization, such as the GPO Register.

Definition at line 247 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_REPEATED_START    0x01

Donot Send a stop on the IIC bus after \ the current data transfer

Definition at line 221 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_RESET_MASK   0x0000000A


Definition at line 142 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_RESETR_OFFSET   0x40

Reset Register

Definition at line 81 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_RFD_REG_OFFSET   0x120

Rx FIFO Depth reg

Definition at line 90 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_RFO_REG_OFFSET   0x118

Rx FIFO Occupancy

Definition at line 88 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_Send7BitAddress

#define XIic_Send7BitAddress (   BaseAddress,
{ \
u8 LocalAddr = (u8)(SlaveAddress << 1); \
LocalAddr = (LocalAddr & 0xFE) | (Operation); \
XIic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, XIIC_DTR_REG_OFFSET, LocalAddr); \

This macro sends the address for a 7 bit address during both read and write operations. It takes care of the details to format the address correctly. This macro is designed to be called internally to the drivers.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC Device.
SlaveAddressis the address of the slave to send to.
C-Style signature: void XIic_Send7BitAddress(u32 BaseAddress, u8 SlaveAddress, u8 Operation);

Definition at line 453 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SLAVE_ROLE   0

Slave on the IIC bus

Definition at line 209 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_ADDR_AS_SLAVE_MASK    0x00000002

1 = When addressed as \ slave

Definition at line 167 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_BUS_BUSY_MASK   0x00000004

1 = Bus is busy

Definition at line 168 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_GEN_CALL_MASK    0x00000001

1 = A Master issued \ a GC

Definition at line 164 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_MSTR_RDING_SLAVE_MASK    0x00000008

1 = Dir: Master <– \ slave

Definition at line 171 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_REG_OFFSET   0x104

Status Register

Definition at line 83 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_RX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000040

1 = Rx FIFO empty

Definition at line 174 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_RX_FIFO_FULL_MASK   0x00000020

1 = Rx FIFO full

Definition at line 173 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_MASK   0x00000080

1 = Tx FIFO empty

Definition at line 175 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_SR_TX_FIFO_FULL_MASK   0x00000010

1 = Tx FIFO full

Definition at line 172 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_STOP    0x00

The following constants are used with Transmit Function (XIic_Send) to specify whether to STOP after the current transfer of data or own the bus with a Repeated start. Send a stop on the IIC bus after \ the current data transfer

Definition at line 218 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_TBA_REG_OFFSET   0x11C

10 Bit Address reg

Definition at line 89 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_TFO_REG_OFFSET   0x114

Tx FIFO Occupancy

Definition at line 87 of file xiic_l.h.



Definition at line 195 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_TX_ADDR_SENT   0x00

Definition at line 194 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_TX_DYN_START_MASK   0x00000100

1 = Set dynamic start

Definition at line 182 of file xiic_l.h.


#define XIIC_TX_DYN_STOP_MASK   0x00000200

1 = Set dynamic stop

Definition at line 183 of file xiic_l.h.


All Tx interrupts commonly used.

Definition at line 128 of file xiic_l.h.



All interrupts commonly used

Definition at line 134 of file xiic_l.h.



Write operation on the IIC bus

Definition at line 202 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_WriteIier

#define XIic_WriteIier (   BaseAddress,
)     XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IIER_OFFSET, (Enable))

This function sets the contents of the Interrupt Enable Register.

This function writes only the specified value to the register such that some interrupt sources may be enabled and others disabled. It is the caller's responsibility to get the value of the interrupt enable register prior to setting the value to prevent a destructive behavior.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
Enableis the value to be written to the Interrupt Enable Register. Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. Bit positions of 0 will be disabled.
C-Style signature: void XIic_WriteIier(u32 BaseAddress, u32 Enable);

Definition at line 394 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_WriteIisr

#define XIic_WriteIisr (   BaseAddress,
)     XIic_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XIIC_IISR_OFFSET, (Status))

This function sets the Interrupt status register to the specified value.

This register implements a toggle on write functionality. The interrupt is cleared by writing to this register with the bits to be cleared set to a one and all others to zero. Setting a bit which is zero within this register causes an interrupt to be generated.

This function writes only the specified value to the register such that some status bits may be set and others cleared. It is the caller's responsibility to get the value of the register prior to setting the value to prevent an destructive behavior.

BaseAddressis the base address of the IIC device.
Statusis the value to be written to the Interrupt status register.
C-Style signature: void XIic_WriteIisr(u32 BaseAddress, u32 Status);

Definition at line 352 of file xiic_l.h.

◆ XIic_WriteReg

#define XIic_WriteReg (   BaseAddress,
)     XIic_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue))

Write to the specified IIC device register.

BaseAddressis the base address of the device.
RegOffsetis the offset from the 1st register of the device to select the specific register.
RegisterValueis the value to be written to the register.
C-Style signature: void XIic_WriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset, u32 RegisterValue); This macro does not do any checking to ensure that the register exists if the register may be excluded due to parameterization, such as the GPO Register.

Definition at line 270 of file xiic_l.h.

Function Documentation

◆ XIic_CheckIsBusBusy()

u32 XIic_CheckIsBusBusy ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress)

Definition at line 614 of file xiic_l.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ XIic_DynInit()

int XIic_DynInit ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress)

◆ XIic_DynRecv()

unsigned XIic_DynRecv ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress,
u8  Address,
u8 *  BufferPtr,
u8  ByteCount 

◆ XIic_DynSend()

unsigned XIic_DynSend ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress,
u16  Address,
u8 *  BufferPtr,
u8  ByteCount,
u8  Option 

◆ XIic_Recv()

unsigned XIic_Recv ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress,
u8  Address,
u8 *  BufferPtr,
unsigned  ByteCount,
u8  Option 

Receive data as a master on the IIC bus. This function receives the data using polled I/O and blocks until the data has been received. It only supports 7 bit addressing mode of operation. This function returns zero if bus is busy.

BaseAddresscontains the base address of the IIC device.
Addresscontains the 7 bit IIC address of the device to send the specified data to.
BufferPtrpoints to the data to be sent.
ByteCountis the number of bytes to be sent.
Optionindicates whether to hold or free the bus after reception of data, XIIC_STOP = end with STOP condition, XIIC_REPEATED_START = don't end with STOP condition.
The number of bytes received.

Definition at line 117 of file xiic_l.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ XIic_Send()

unsigned XIic_Send ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress,
u8  Address,
u8 *  BufferPtr,
unsigned  ByteCount,
u8  Option 

Send data as a master on the IIC bus. This function sends the data using polled I/O and blocks until the data has been sent. It only supports 7 bit addressing mode of operation. This function returns zero if bus is busy.

BaseAddresscontains the base address of the IIC device.
Addresscontains the 7 bit IIC address of the device to send the specified data to.
BufferPtrpoints to the data to be sent.
ByteCountis the number of bytes to be sent.
Optionindicates whether to hold or free the bus after transmitting the data.
The number of bytes sent.

Definition at line 373 of file xiic_l.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ XIic_WaitBusFree()

u32 XIic_WaitBusFree ( UINTPTR  BaseAddress)

This function will wait until the I2C bus is free or timeout.

BaseAddresscontains the base address of the I2C device.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the I2C bus was freed before the timeout.
  • XST_FAILURE otherwise.

Definition at line 638 of file xiic_l.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: