Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- s -
- ShowBitmap() : fontx.c, fontx.h
- ShowFont() : fontx.c, fontx.h
- sleep_msec() : util.c, util.h
- sleep_msec_button_pushed() : buttons.c, buttons.h
- sleep_msec_buttons_pushed() : buttons.c, buttons.h
- spi_master_init() : display.c
- spi_master_write_addr() : display.c
- spi_master_write_color() : display.c
- spi_master_write_colors() : display.c
- spi_master_write_command() : display.c
- spi_master_write_data_byte() : display.c
- spi_master_write_data_word() : display.c
- spi_to_gpio() : display.c
- switchbox_destroy() : switchbox.c, switchbox.h
- switchbox_get_pin() : switchbox.c, switchbox.h
- switchbox_init() : switchbox.c, switchbox.h
- switchbox_reset() : switchbox.c, switchbox.h
- switchbox_set_pin() : switchbox.c, switchbox.h
- switches_destroy() : buttons.c, buttons.h
- switches_init() : buttons.c, buttons.h