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Using ssh keys

Typing in your password when you want to log in or copy something to the PYNQ board is annoying. This can be avoided by creating a so-called ssh key, which proves to the PYNQ board that you are an authorised user that can log in without typing a password. This is especially useful when using git version management.

An ssh key is a private/public key pair. Both keys are on your laptop and the public key is on the PYNQ board.

Generating and installing an ssh key

  • In a terminal on the PYNQ board execute the commands (be careful about the spaces in the second line):
    [ -d .ssh ] || mkdir .ssh
    chmod go= .ssh
  • In a terminal on your laptop generate a ssh key with ssh-keygen and copy it to the PYNQ board. You have to enter the student password for the last two commands.
    ssh-keygen -f .ssh/laptop-to-pynq             # press return three times
    scp .ssh/ student@
    ssh student@ "cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
  • In a terminal on your laptop add the identity file to your ssh profile by editing the .ssh/config file. This .ssh/config file is the same one as you used for Visual Studio Code, which you can use to edit the file if you wish. Note that the 4 spaces before IdentityFile and the capital letters (e.g. IdentityFile not Identityfile) are important.
    Host pynq
      User student
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/laptop-to-pynq

You can use Visual Studio Code, vim (in the Powershell) or any other text editor you wish.
Visual Studio Code vim

  • On macOS only, in a terminal on your laptop add the the following line to your .bash_profile (if using bash), .zsh_profile (if using zsh):

    ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/laptop-to-pynq &> /dev/null

  • You can now log in by using ssh pynq instead of ssh student@ (Similarly for scp.)

Example Windows output

ssh keys on windows
ssh keys on windows

Example macOS output

ssh keys on macos

Connecting to a git repository (e.g. from PYNQ

When using git repositories such as with the PYNQ board you'll need to use ssh keys too. For more details see the git page.