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Using git and on the PYNQ board

The git version management system may be used in your course to download project templates or to submit projects.

  • An introduction to git.
  • A very comprehensive git introduction and reference can be found here. You can also download the pdf of the Pro Git book.

Using git with the PYNQ board:

  • Since the git repositories will not be on the PYNQ board, you need to share internet with the PYNQ board.
  • On the PYNQ create a new ssh key, e.g. pynq-to-gitlab, in the PYNQ .ssh directory. See the ssh keys page how to do this, except that now you must run ssh-keygen on the PYNQ board and not on your laptop.
  • Log in to and upload the public key Select the "SSH Keys" tab in your user settings and copy-paste the public key in the "Key" field:
    gitlab preferences gitlab key upload
  • You can now clone, pull, push, etc. from the PYNQ board to git repositories that are hosted on

Github and other git servers work similarly.